时间:2015-10-16 10:30
Topological semimetal is a three-dimensional topological state of matter, in which the conduction and valence energy bands touch at a finite number of Weyl nodes. The Weyl nodes always appear in pairs, and carry opposite chirality and linear dispersion, much like 3D analogue of graphene. Topological semimetals also host paired monopoles of Berry curvature in momentum space and Fermi arcs.In this talk, I will cover several quantum transport effects that have been observed recently in topological semimetals. (1) Weak antilocalization, which can give rise to a negative magnetoconductivity proportional to the square root of magnetic field at low temperatures. We have a systematic theoretical study on the weak antilocalization in topological insulator, 2D materials, and topological semimetals. The theory has been applied in recent experiments on the topological Weyl semimetal TaAs. (2) Chiral anomaly, which is expected to give a positive quadratic-B magnetoconductivity (i.e., negative magnetoresistance) in parallel magnetic fields. We have experimentally observed the effect in the topological semimetal Cd3As2. (3) The chiral anomaly is also predicted to give a linear-B magnetoconductivity in the quantum limit at high fields. However, all experiments on Weyl and Dirac topological semimetals show a negative magnetoconductivity in high fields. We show that the high-field positive magnetoconductivity may not be a compelling signature of the chiral anomaly and will be helpful for interpreting the inconsistency in the recent experiments and earlier theories.
Haizhou Lu obtained his B.S. in Physics from Lanzhou University in 2002, and Ph.D. in Physics from IAS, Tsinghua University in 2007. From 2007 to 2015, he worked as a postdoc then Research Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong. He was recruited in the 1000-plan young scientist project and is now an Associate Professor at South University of Science and Technology of China in Shenzhen. His research interest is the quantum transport in mesoscopic systems, topological states of matter, and spintronics. His recent focus is to apply the quantum field theoretical methods to the transport and phases in new materials, such as, topological semimetals, insulators, superconductors, 2D layered materials, and other Dirac fermion systems. He has published over 30 articles in physics journals, including 7 in PRL, with a citation over 1300 and h-index of 15.