Antonio Lombardo
Senior Research Associate, University of Cambridge,U. K.
地点:仙林校区 电子楼2楼1号会议室
时间:2016-05-20 14:00
The ever growing demand for improved performance, lower power consumption and new functionalities of electronic devices is driving the research for new device architectures and novel electronic materials. Two-dimensional materials, with their ultimate thickness and unique properties, often different from their three-dimensional counterparts, offer new opportunities for electronics and optoelectronics. Not only such materials can be used individually, but they can also be deterministically stacked to form heterostructures with tailored properties. Here I briefly introduce electronic devices based on graphene and two-dimensional materials, also outlining technological advantages and challenges.
Dr Antonio Lombardo is currently a Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering. He is leading the research on electronic devices in the Cambridge Graphene Centre. He is Fellow and Director of Studies in Engineering in Wolfson College, Cambridge. He is also senior teaching fellow of the EPSRC doctoral training centre in Graphene technology. He is responsible for the electron transport, high frequency and THz electronic laboratory of the Cambridge Graphene Centre. His research is focused on electronic and optoelectronic devices based on two-dimensional materials, with particular interest in high frequency and THz electronics. He has published over 30 papers in peer reviewed journals in the broad field of graphene and related materials science and technology, with currently over 4,500 citations.