时间:2016-07-07 10:00
Spin waves in magnetic thin films provide a powerful and versatile test bed for the study of dynamics of nonlinear waves. In this presentation I will report on four of our recent studies on nonlinear spin waves in Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) thin films. I will first report the use of surface spin waves in YIG films to demonstrate for the first time the opposite phase jumps of dark soliton pairs. This phase property is expected theoretically but has never been demonstrated experimentally before. Then, I will report on the formation of bright envelope solitons from surface spin wave packets. Such soliton formation is surprising because bright solitons are usually expected for waves with an attractive nonlinearity, while surface spin waves exhibit a repulsive nonlinearity. In the third part, I will demonstrate the use of the soliton effect of nonlinear forward volume spin waves to realize a microwave pulse compulsion device. Finally, I will report a foldover effect for nonlinear forward volume spin waves in a YIG-based feedback ring system.
吴明忠于1999年获华中科技大学固体电子学博士学位,现就职于美国科罗拉多州立大学(CSU),任CSU物理系副教授及获得“CSU杰出学术单位”称号的先进磁学研究中心主任。他的科研涉及磁学领域的多个学术方向,包括磁动力学,自旋电子学,非线性自旋波,磁性薄膜生长,和微波磁性材料与器件。已著作约150篇学术论文和章节,其中15篇论文发表于Physical Review Letters。与Axel Hoffmann博士合编一本关于磁性绝缘体的著作(392页)。吴明忠博士曾任IEEE Magnetics Letters杂志编辑(2012-2016)。现担任 Physics Letters A杂志编辑和 Journal of Applied Physics杂志编辑顾问委员会委员。曾担任IEEE Magnetics Society教育委员会主席(2012-2015),现担任 IEEE Magnetics Society财务主席。