时间:2019-01-08 10:00
The interaction effects in ultracold Fermi gases with SU(N) symmetry are studied non-perturbatively in half-filled one-dimensional lattices by employing quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We find that as N increases, weak and strong interacting systems are driven to a crossover region, but from opposite directions as a convergence of itinerancy and Mottness. In the weak interaction region, particles are nearly itinerant, and inter-particle collisions are enhanced by N, resulting in the amplification of interaction effects. In contrast, in the strong coupling region, increasing N softens the Mott-insulating background through the enhanced virtual hopping processes. The crossover region exhibits nearly N-independent physical quantities, including the relative bandwidth, Fermi distribution, and the spin structure factor. The difference between even-N and odd-N systems is most prominent at small N's with strong interactions, since the odd case allows local real hopping with an energy scale much larger than the virtual one. The above effects can be experimentally tested in ultracold atom experiments with alkaline-earth (-like) fermions such as Sr (Yb).
徐盛隆于2011年7月在南京大学取得学士学位,2017年7月在加州大学圣地亚哥分校取得物理学博士学位,之后在马里兰大学理论凝聚态中心从事博后研究工作。研究兴趣涵盖凝聚态体系中的强关联效应和量子动力学,以及凝聚态和量子信息的交叉方向。研究方法主要结合量子蒙特卡罗,张量网络,机器学习等数值方法和对称性分析。至今发表论文14篇,包括多篇Physics Review X 和 Physics Review Letter。目前主要研究方向包括量子置乱,量子热化,多体局域化,以及量子绝热演化中衍生的有效流体动力学。